347-270-5162 [email protected] Mon - Fri: 09.00am - 05.00pm

Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain is one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries that affects athletes and non-athletes alike. A simple misstep or a trip and fall can make you experience an ankle sprain. Therefore, the path to ankle sprain recovery can vary based on the severity. Fortunately, we at 5 Boro Podiatry offer each patient the utmost care to help them return to their daily activity as quickly and safely as possible. But before you book your appointment, let’s first understand what ankle sprains are and what treatment methods are available for ankle sprain recovery.

What is Ankle Sprain?

An ankle sprain occurs due to a sudden twist or jerk of the ligaments of the ankle, which support that joint. Most injuries occur when the foot is turned awkwardly during your daily life chores or some sports activity.

The severity of the sprain also varies from person to person, as does the treatment strategy. For example, home remedies are enough to treat mild sprains. In severe cases, you would need more intensive medical intervention and a few weeks of downtime for complete ankle sprain recovery.

Ankle Sprain vs Broken Ankle

Most of us remain confused about the difference between an ankle sprain and a broken ankle. That’s why we have decided to sort this issue once and for all. Read ahead to know the difference.


Sprained Ankle Broken Ankle
Definition Injury to the ligaments around the ankle. One or more of the bones in the ankle joint are broken.
Primary Symptoms Pain, swelling, and bruising. More intense pain, significant swelling, and bruising.
Mobility Possible to walk with discomfort. Usually unable to bear weight.
Treatment Focus Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). Immediate medical attention, immobilization, and possibly surgery.


Early diagnosis is the key to recovery in either case. Whenever there is severe pain, inability to move the ankle, apparent deformity, and inability to put any weight, get medical help immediately. Accurate recognition of whether the ankle has been sprained or broken will ensure correct treatment is provided and can start on the path to recovery without any undue delay.

When to Worry About a Sprained Ankle?

It’s important to know when a sprained ankle might be a sign of a more serious problem. While most sprained ankles heal with home care, some symptoms suggest that you should seek professional medical advice.

You should worry about your sprained ankle and consult a professional podiatrist at 5 Boro Podiatry if,

  • There is no improvement in pain after home care.
  • There is excessive swelling or bruising that makes it difficult to move your ankle or wear shoes.
  • You’re unable to walk more than a few steps without significant pain or if walking is impossible.
  • Your ankle doesn’t improve within a few days after the injury.

Ankle Sprain Recovery: Effective Treatment Strategies

Recovering from an ankle sprain involves several key steps that help ensure a smooth and efficient healing process. Here are some effective treatment strategies for ankle sprain recovery:

Rest: Give your ankle the rest it needs. Avoid putting weight on the injured ankle to prevent further injury and allow the healing process to begin.

Ice: Apply ice to the ankle for 20 minutes several times a day. Ice helps reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain.

Compression: Use an elastic bandage or a compression wrap to help decrease swelling. Ensure it’s snug but not too tight, as excessive compression can impede circulation.

Elevation: Keep the injured ankle raised above the level of your heart as much as possible. This position helps reduce swelling by draining excess fluid.

Physical Therapy: Once the pain and swelling are under control, physical therapy can be a crucial part of rehabilitation. A physical therapist will guide you through exercises to restore the ankle’s strength, flexibility, and range of motion.

Gradual Return to Activity: As your ankle improves, slowly reintroduce weight-bearing activities. Your doctor or physical therapist will advise you on when and how to safely resume normal activities based on your recovery progress.

Benefits of Using an Ankle Brace for Sprain Recovery

The ankle brace helps you gain mobility and proves itself to be an essential support gear in case of a sprained ankle. It supports the injured ligaments, allowing them to rest and recover. At the same time, the ankle is also stabilized from any harmful movements that could impair the healing. An ankle brace also applies firm, gentle pressure that helps reduce swelling by compelling the natural process of pushing out excess fluid. Furthermore, stabilizing and supportive effects through the use of an ankle brace can help to reduce pain by limiting the strain on the injured part for easier movement.

What Makes 5 Boro Podiatry Your Best Ally Against Ankle Sprain?

At 5 Boro Podiarty, we provide the most advanced treatments and technologies to support ankle sprain recovery. We understand that every patient’s needs are unique and tailor our approach to ensure the best outcomes.

Here are some of the advanced treatment options we offer:

Custom Orthotics: We provide custom-made orthotics designed to support and align your foot and ankle, reducing the strain on your injured ligaments during the healing process.

Targeted Exercise Programs: Our expert podiatrists develop personalized exercise programs that focus on strengthening the muscles around your ankle, improving flexibility, and enhancing balance, which are crucial for preventing future injuries.

Education and Prevention Strategies: We educate our patients on how to prevent future ankle injuries through proper techniques and lifestyle adjustments, ensuring long-term health and mobility.

We aim to help you return to your everyday activities safely and confidently. Using these cutting-edge treatments and technologies ensures that our patients receive the highest standard of care for their ankle sprain recovery.

A Quick Recap

Whether mild or severe, ankle sprain recovery takes time, proper care, and attention to avoid repeated injuries.

If you are still confused about the issue, here’s a quick recap for you.

Identify the type of sprain you have and use home remedies like rice and an ankle brace to relieve pain and swelling. Early interventions often produce successful outcomes and long-term health of the ankle. Please remember that the correct steps in recovery not only heal your ankle but also make it stronger against possible damage.

If symptoms don’t improve or worsen, contact us immediately. We are committed to offering you the highest expertise and treatment methods required for fast and efficient recovery.

Don’t let an ankle sprain slow you down!

Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and let us help you confidently get back on your feet.

Opening Hours

  • Mon – Friday 09:00 am – 05:00pm
  • Satarday Closed